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Fig. 11 | The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience

Fig. 11

From: Phase-Amplitude Descriptions of Neural Oscillator Models

Fig. 11

Panel (a) shows successive iterates of θ in system (22)–(23) with functions P 1 , 2 taken from the FHN model, whilst panel (b) presents the same iterates but for functions P 1 , 2 from the ML model. Panel (c) shows P 1 , 2 for the FHN model, where the bold blue line is P 1 and the red dashed line is P 2 . Superimposed on this panel is a histogram displaying how kicks are distributed in terms of θ alone. Panel (d) shows the same information, except this time for forcing functions from the ML model. Parameter values are σ=3.0, λ=0.1, ε=0.1, and T=2.0

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