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Fig. 12 | The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience

Fig. 12

From: How Adaptation Makes Low Firing Rates Robust

Fig. 12

Conductance-based Morris–Lecar model with HB and adaptive current. (A) Adaptation and linearization of the fI curve are also seen in this case for large conductance (\(g=6\mbox{ nS}\), blue), but not small conductance (\(g=1\mbox{ nS}\), red). (B) Curves of \(v_{\mathrm{equiv}}\) are shown for \(I=58, 60, 62\) pA, increasing from left to right. Each trajectory evolves closely around the intersection point of the equivalent curve and the w-nullcline. All w nullclines are plotted with \(\Delta= \Delta(I_{\star}) = -63\mbox{ mV}\)

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