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Fig. 4 | The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience

Fig. 4

From: Investigating the Correlation–Firing Rate Relationship in Heterogeneous Recurrent Networks

Fig. 4

Where Ŝ and F are similarly aligned, Ŝ and F will both increase along most paths through that point. In each panel, gray shows the part of the x-plane where \(\frac{d\hat{S}}{dF} = \frac{\nabla\hat{S} \cdot d\mathbf {x}}{\nabla F \cdot d\mathbf {x}} > 0\), black where \(\frac{d\hat{S}}{dF}<0\). From left to right: Ŝ and F positively aligned; Ŝ and F orthogonal; Ŝ and F negatively aligned

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